Photo Resurrections & Myth of Narcissus Reflections

The myth of Echo and Narcissus has long been one of my favorites. When I was younger, we had a version of it in the Greek Myths book that I read obsessively on the floor of the living room. Something about it always spoke to me–whatever the reason may be. The dual tragedy of the story captivated me as a young person; Narcissus’s tragic wasting away and Echo’s tragic fading into the background.

Photo Resurrections is an interesting discussion on the nature of family photography as a form of maintaining and correcting memories and images of the people we can no longer see. Imagery inherently distorts reality, but further editing of imagery can turn a photograph from a representatin of something real into a representation of an imagined existence. This aligns with the reading of Narcissus and Echo because Echo’s purpose and path is to take the words Narcissus and others utter and to re-represent them as her own form of communciation.

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